How to Record Calls on iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPhone 12 Mini

How to Stop Robocalls in 2021 with Ease

Recording calls isn’t important for most people. Some countries even make it illegal. Many Android OEMs provide a native call recording feature and can disable it in cases where prohibited. Apple doesn’t offer iPhone call recording. If you are looking to record calls on your iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Pro, then you need to rely on third-party solutions from the App Store.

Some points to consider before you go ahead and hit the record button. Some US states only require consent from one party to record calls. Some states require both consent. You should always refer to state laws guidelines.

So let us take a look at all the ways to record calls on your iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, or iPhone 12 Pro Max

1. Use a Call Merge Service

For those coming from the Android camp, you should know that call recording works differently on an iPhone compared to an Android device. Let me elaborate.

Due to security reasons, Apple doesn’t allow developers to access the microphone while the phone app is used. Call recorder apps make use of a recording line because this is what Apple doesn’t allow. You can record conversations on your iPhone by calling into the recording line.

Once the call connects, you merge your party call into the recording line. To put it simply, this creates a three-way phone call that allows recording. A few apps are notable that allow you to record calls via the merge line.

The App Store is filled with some capable call recording apps. However, they may not work all the time. If you’re willing to spend a small amount, there are very few exceptions.

TapeACall Pro

In TapeACall, you need to initiate a recording by putting whomever you’re speaking to on hold for a moment and then opening the app to tap on the record button.

Once you have done this, the call is merged and stored with a remote recording service, for outgoing calls, you can open the app and tap on the record option, and then call the person to merge the call.

The app won’t notify the other user about the current call recording. You can share recordings easily on Dropbox, Evernote and Google Drive.

TapeACall is free to download. The premium features such as Email recording, Label recording, sharing, etc., are part of a premium subscription that starts at $3.99.


Rev Call Recording

This is one of the best and most popular options for US citizens. You can record unlimited calls and receive unlimited outgoing recordings for no cost. The transcription fee is $1 per minute.

2. Use Google Voice

Do you know free Google Voice account comes with free voice mail, a free phone number, and a call-around service? You can even record calls to your iPhone.

The method is simple. Tap 4 to answer any calls you receive from your Google Voice number. The robot voice will inform participants that the recording is underway. This is Google’s method of making sure you are safe and legal.

Call recordings are forwarded to you via email and appear in the list of voice mail recordings in Google Voice.

3. Record iPhone Calls Using Mac

Those using Mac can opt for QuickTime Player to record phone calls on iPhone. This trick works for FaceTime calls as well. Only problem is that you must be using speaker mode on your iPhone. You can’t use headphones to do this. QuickTime Player won’t work if you call your iPhone from your Mac.

First, you need to make sure that your iPhone is on speaker mode for phone calls or FaceTime. Your Mac can be used as the speaker source. Now, open QuickTime Player and select File -> New Audio Recording from the menu bar.

Click on the drop-down next to the recording button and make sure the microphone input is set to Internal Microphone.

If you’re charging your iPhone with your computer via a Lightning cable, make sure that ‘Internal Microphone’ is still selected and not your iPhone’s mic because it won’t record unless it’s the internal Mac one.

If possible, try to use Skype to have the call that you want to record. To record the call, you can use Mac applications like Audio Hijack and Call Recorder for Skype. You can secretly record the conversation in high quality, and without anyone else knowing.

4. Buy a Tape Recorder

If none of the above tricks are working for you, then it’s time to take a step back and record iPhone calls using the old style. We are talking about an external microphone to record iPhone calls.

Since we are living in 2021, there are plenty of compact digital recorders you can get. Below is a listing of top-rated digital voice/audio recorders.

The simplest way to do this is by using a 3-way call merge service and Rev Call Recorder is the best option for that. If you are looking for an immediate fix, this is the one for you. If you prefer full control of the recording experience and are comfortable using your iPhone’s speaker, a quality recorder such as the Sony we have mentioned is the best option.

If you have just gotten an iPhone 12 and are disappointed with its call recording capabilities, worry not. You will be impressed by the many features you have yet to explore. Check out the best iPhone 12 tips and tricks as well as the best iOS 14 tips and tricks

Which method is best suitable for you to record calls on your iPhone 12? Please share your thoughts with us below.


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