More than 50 AI & IoT Terms –

More than 50 AI & IoT Terms –

All the information you need about interconnected robots and devices. What’s Adversarial search? An adversarial search refers to situations in which you plan while someone else prepares against your plans. Therefore, your plans could be affected if you are unable to control the actions of your adversary. In the context of adversarial searches, the term “search” refers to the game of artificial intelligence (AI) at the most. What’s an AI Accelerator? A computer that is specifically designed to handle artificial intelligence (AI), or a hardware accelerator, is called an artificial intelligence (AI). This accelerator speeds up tasks such as machine learning (ML), machine vision, and artificial neural network (ANN). Graphic accelerators were used to make PCs more powerful and faster back in 1980. They freed up main processors and handled all graphics needs. AI accelerators do the same thing. They free up main processors from complex AI tasks that could be resource-intensive. What exactly is Ambient Intelligence (AIM)? Ambient Intelligence, also known as “AmI”, is an emerging technology that seeks to integrate pervasive computing and artificial intelligence (AI), sensors, networks, and other technologies into our daily lives. Because it responds to human presence, this technology is human-centric. Ambient intelligence refers to a highly sophisticated AI system which detects human presence and responds accordingly. Siri and Alexa are two examples of ambient intelligence. They respond to your voice when it senses you speaking. What does Applied Machine Learning mean? What is Applied Machine Learning? The meaning of applied machine learning is very similar to pure mathematics. Pure math is made up many theories that are then applied to real-world problems in mathematics. Application of mathematics solves real problems in biology, engineering, business and other areas. The same goes for applied machine learning, which uses one’s knowledge of ML theories and concepts to solve problems. ML’s fundamental concept of supervised learning is a task that involves labeling data, and then following a route to obtain the desired output. This concept seems simple, but it is difficult to see how this can be applied in real life. The ML principle can be used to compute credit scores, and even automate credit approval. The machine is fed with credit information, including credit history, limit usage, and credit limits (i.e. labeled data) and then it can be taught to calculate the credit score for a specific person (i.e. desired output). The credit application will be approved if the credit score is at the acceptable minimum level. What is Artificial General Intelligence? A machine can think, understand and reason. It also has the ability to plan, communicate with natural language, represent knowledge, and make decisions. Because of their almost human-like characteristics, artificial intelligence is often what we envision. In reality, however, artificial intelligence is still a far cry from what we can achieve. What exactly is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the computer science branch that deals with creating machines and systems that can perform functions normally performed by humans. The machines communicate with their environment, and they respond to it according to what information is provided. In science fiction and Hollywood films, AI is romanticized. We have seen images of robots and computers that are able to think, talk and behave like humans. AI has not reached this point yet. We are seeing machines capable of playing chess with human grandmasters and engaging in intelligent conversation. These machines can even drive cars. What’s Artificial Narrow Intelligence? Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), a form of artificial intelligence, is a subset of AI that tackles a particular task. ANI is often referred to as a weak form of AI. It draws information from one data set. The programming of ANI is restricted to a single task such as crawling webpages for data or playing chess. Like other AI systems, ANIs can execute tasks in real time despite having no other functions. Augmented Intelligence: Augmented Intelligence is a collaboration model between humans and artificial intelligence systems (AI). It aims to increase cognitive performance, decision-making and create new learning methods. Because Augmented Intelligence is often called “intelligence amplification”, its main goal is to increase people’s skills and knowledge by using machines, it is also known simply as “intelligence enhancement”. It basically aims to increase intelligence in humans so that they can do more complex tasks faster and better. What’s Backward Chaining? What is Backward Chaining? It’s an inference technique that involves going backward from a success result in order to determine the sequence of events, conditions or decisions that led to it. This is similar to tracing your family tree in order to understand why you are the way that you are or the traits you have. Deductive reasoning is a way to arrive at a conclusion by establishing assumptions that are true. If all people are equal, and you’re a person, you have been created equal. Artificial intelligence programs use backward chaining for reasoning and logic programming. This is part of an artificial intelligence system which aims to teach robots to infer and draw logical conclusions. What’s a beacon? Beacons are wireless sensors that use radio signals to connect with other devices, such as tablets, smartphones and audio speakers. Bluetooth-capable devices can automatically detect the beacon, and attempt to communicate with it. It’s almost like an invisible light suddenly appearing in the distance, while you are lost in the darkness. You instinctively start walking towards the light as soon as it appears. What’s a Behavior Tree? The behavior tree describes a mathematical model of how a set of predefined tasks will be executed. A behavior tree can be used to specify the way that the program will switch between tasks if you only have a limited number of tasks. Although originally used for video gaming, behavior trees are widely used today in computer science and robotics. Behavior trees make complex tasks such as Pacman catching possible by simplifying a number of tasks. These tasks are used in “Pacman” to locate fruits and pills. What’s the Breadth First Search Algorithm (BFSA)? Programs can use the breadth-first searching (BFS) algorithm to search for solutions to problems using a level-based approach. A system must first solve the problem before it can move on to the next stage. To find the fastest path between a source and other sources, it uses either a graph data structure or a searching tree. It must exhaust all information from the source before it can move on to another data source. What’s a Chatbot? Chatbots are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing abilities to communicate with customers. Usually, they work through a chat application. These conversations can appear so real, you might not be able to tell that it is a chatbot and not a person. Chatbots are able to detect