Microsoft Dynamics 365 Performance Testing with Executive Automats

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Performance testing is essential for any software and it is especially crucial for Microsoft Dynamics 365 which is a massive and complex ERP system with frequent updates. Unfortunately, these features are making performance testing troublesome and expensive. Executive Automats is aiming to complete the task cost-effectively and help to keep the system performance on the required level.

How Is Performance Testing with Executive Automats Working?

The ERP application performance can be viewed from two perspectives. For users, software performance is experienced by its responsiveness. Thus, whenever it fails to respond, a user is witnessing a poor performance.

Beneath this apparent interaction between a user and an app, there is also a technical layer based on the hardware processing the app activity. The behavior of hardware is changing with the decrease or increase in the load affecting the app responsiveness.

Executive Automats can analyze the effects of the load on the hardware by calculating the software performance. One of the methods for completing this task is executing a certain number of simultaneous user sessions. Each of them should have an equal amount of activity that is measured in steps. Keeping a track of the time required to finish the steps and calculating the average length of the step gives a measurable result that can be compared to the results of other tests.

Codeless Design for Effective Testing

The vast functionality of Executive Automats is provided to its users through a codeless design. While some technicians are concerned about the service quality delivered by codeless apps designed for development, there is no controversy surrounding no-code testing software.

Performance testing is a tedious process consisting of repetitive tasks which are not only extremely time-consuming but also straining to make manual testers naturally lose their concentration and make poor decisions. This makes manual testing rather expensive and at the same time, not reliable enough. Testing is the exact place where the help of automation is required and performance testing has a particularly serious need for it.

Executive Automats has successfully adopted the no-code approach making its testing tools available to everyone regardless of one’s technical background.

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Executive Automats as a Solution to Common Performance Testing Issues

Unfortunately, while performance testing is essential for ERP system maintenance, it also tends to be extremely expensive.

Executive Automats reduces the costs of performance testing with its functionality empowering realistic testing scenarios simulating large business events, for example, Black Fridays or seasonal sales without additional costs for adding extra users into the testing procedure. In turn, the efficiency of this software decreases the time required for testing and, as a result, minimizes the downtime and allows companies to start functioning in their regular manner quickly.