What is DH About? About Dosthana.com

DH monitors and writes about new technologies in areas such as technology, innovation, digitization, space, Earth, IT, and AI. DH also writes about new entrepreneurs, life science, industry development, and automation and how technology is changing society.

DH is aimed at engineers, IT specialists, technology consultants, researchers, decision-makers, and generally technically interested people. DH’s goal is to keep these people updated with the latest and most important news, reporting, and trends in technology development – both for work and for leisure.

Dosthana team

Jeremy Hall

Editor-in-chief at Dosthana

Jeremy Hall is the editor-in-chief of Dosthana.com. He is passionate about technology and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and spending time with his family.

As the editor-in-chief of Dosthana.com, Jeremy is responsible for overseeing the content and direction of the blog, ensuring that it provides valuable and accurate information on the latest technology trends and developments. He is also responsible for managing the team of writers and contributors and ensuring that the blog is up-to-date with the latest industry news.

With his deep understanding of the technology industry and his passion for all things tech, Jeremy is well-suited to lead Dosthana.com and provide its readers with the information they need to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest technology developments. He is also a great collaborator, working well with the team of writers and contributors to bring the best content to the website.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Jeremy is also a family man who values his free time. He enjoys watching movies and spending time with his family, which helps him to recharge and come back to work with renewed energy and focus.

Jessica Greenfield


Jessica Greenfield is an editor at Dosthana. She specializes in writing about computers and technology and is particularly passionate about cryptocurrency and smart technology. Her knowledge in these areas allows her to provide insightful and informative articles on the latest developments and trends in the industry.

As an editor at Dosthana, Jessica plays an important role in shaping the content of the blog and ensuring that it provides valuable information to readers. She works closely with the other writers and contributors to ensure that the articles are well-written, accurate, and engaging.

In her free time, Jessica enjoys skiing and spending time with her family. She is a well-rounded individual who is able to balance her professional and personal interests, which allows her to come back to work with fresh perspective and enthusiasm. With her passion for technology and her editing skills, Jessica is a valuable asset to the Dosthana team.

George Macleon

Founder & CEO

George Macleon is the founder and CEO of Dosthana.com. He has had a lifelong interest in technology, which led him to start the blog and grow it into a reputable source of information in the industry.

As the CEO of Dosthana.com, George is responsible for the overall direction and management of the blog. He sets the vision for the company, and leads all operations, from content creation and marketing to business development and financial management. He also works closely with the editorial team to ensure that the blog provides valuable and accurate information to its readers.

George’s passion for technology and his entrepreneurial spirit have been instrumental in the success of Dosthana.com. He is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for readers, and is always looking for ways to improve the blog and provide even more value to its readers.

Under his leadership, Dosthana.com has grown to be one of the most respected and well-known technology blogs in the industry.