Why it’s Hard to Decide on PS5

The new PlayStation 5 console from Sony has been anticipated by the gaming community for a very long time. 7 years after the release of PS4, it was obvious that the new console with updated design and internals was long overdue.

The June 2020 online event hosted by Sony revealed a ton of new details about the PS5. First off, we finally saw the futuristic design of the console with white sides and black core – an object of the meme ‘outcry’ on social media.

Not only that, but the company also revealed a lot of new titles that would come out exclusively for the PlayStation platform. Some of the honorable mentions were GTA V Enhanced Version, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, NBA 2K21, and many more.

In short, the June event showcased why every console aficionado would want to buy the new PS5. However, it may not be the best decision to buy it right after its launch in Fall 2020, and we’re going to talk about why that would be the case.

The initial release is full of issues

When the new product is released, there is a good chance that it’ll have some lags and issues that will turn your experience with it into hell. This is especially true for gaming consoles.

For example, when PS4 was released in 2013, those gamers that bought the first version of the console started experiencing some weird issues like having the console turn off on its own, get a freezing screen in the middle of the game, and whatnot. It took Sony quite some time to address those issues and release more refined PS4s.

The same should be expected with the early version of PS5. Granted, it has some pretty impressive hardware elements under the hood, and the gaming process is expected to be no less than immersive, but no one expects to get a polished console right after its release.

Another issue with early-release consoles is that they’re very difficult to get. Once again, the example of PS4 can be a good indicator of limited access to the console in the first year. It’s expected that Sony will release around 1 million units in the first year of PS5. Therefore, not only will it be very difficult to get your hands on it but also, getting a replacement for one that you already own will be even more challenging.

Exclusive titles are still a long way off

One of the main reasons why people get into the PlayStation world is the exclusive games that come with the consoles. Granted, other universal triple-A games like Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. are also going to run on PS5 very smoothly, people are still more interested in exclusive games of this ecosystem.

In the previous cases, the new consoles were hardly accompanied by the PS-exclusive games, even though they were announced alongside the console. That’s why gamers of PS4, PS3, and so on had to rely on cross-platform developers like Ubisoft, Activision, Crytek, etc.

Crytek, for instance, had a pretty significant surge in sales after the release of PS4 in 2013; that was around the same time that Far Cry 3 was released, which was a hit of its own, and when coupled with the PS4’s new hardware and software capabilities, it proved to be quite a blast.

Now, the same can be expected with the release of PS5. Those who were thrilled by new triple-A exclusives like Spider-Man: Miles Morales and whatnot will have to wait for quite some time and instead, kill time with cross-platform games. 

Additionally, PS5 will also make it easy to run web-based HTML5 games. Just like Crytek, other German game developers will find this development super-beneficial for them. And Spinia Germany will certainly be one of those. This iGaming provider will be able to leverage the impressive hardware+software capabilities of the new console, as well as the fact that the new titles will be delayed for at least half a year before they reach the customers.

You’ll still be able to run PS5 titles on PS4

The last point for holding off from buying the new PS5 right away is the fact that the exclusive games that will eventually come out in 2021 or 2022 will also run on its older brother, PS4. In fact, this is the argument that should make people reconsider their decision to go from PS4 to PS5 altogether.

You see, when PS4 was released, it was also star-studded with loads of exclusive and cross-platform titles, such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Injustice: Gods Among Us. However, nobody really complained about running these games on PS3.

And that’s the thing about these consoles: whenever a new and updated version comes out, it improves the overall gaming experience quite a bit, however, it’s not to say that the improvement is groundbreaking.

Granted, PS5 will deliver a PC-grade gaming performance for a less expensive price, such as ultra-fast SSDs, Ray Tracing, and whatnot, its older brother will still be able to run NBA 2K21 and other exclusive games without a problem. The difference will be in the details: resolution, texture quality, shadows, lighting, sounds, etc. And these are the improvements that shouldn’t be underestimated by any stretch of the imagination, it’s just updating from PS4 to PS5 won’t be as mind-blowing as it’s expected to be.

PS5 is an amazing console, and it’s worth holding off

The point of this article isn’t to denigrate the capabilities of the new PlayStation 5. Everything that we’ve heard from Sony about it indicates that the console is going to be one heck of equipment for your impressive gaming catalog.

Some of the best features of PS5 will be the addition of the Solid State Drive with an updated storage capacity of 865 GB. What the new SSD brings is ultra-fast loading times of just about any game you feed to the system, which is a huge improvement over the incredibly slow PS4 loading times.

As for the actual in-game performance, the new AMD CPU and GPU make sure that the details and textures will look amazing every time you load a new game. Plus, you’re also getting the Ray Tracing feature with amazing lighting and exposure effects in your games. 

In short, PS5 is going to be an amazing console; there’s no doubt about that! What we’re trying to say is that the early release will probably not be the most polished version: it’ll be full of lags and issues, the exclusive games won’t be released in a while, and even after their release, they’ll run on PS4 without a problem. So, if you’re planning to buy PS5, consider waiting for a more refined version in a year’s time or so.


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