Artificial intelligence AI in the Workplace – Complete Guide

Artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it erases. This is predicted by the heavy analysis company Gartner in a new report.

Gartner states that 2020 will be an important year for artificial intelligence. Then 2.3 million ai-related jobs will be created, at the same time as 1.8 million jobs will disappear. Those who gain the most from development are healthcare, the public sector and the education sector. The prospects for jobs in the manufacturing industry are all the gloomier and the demand for human staff will decrease.

This puts the finger on something Gartner addresses in his report: the difference between the areas where artificial intelligence can do the job itself and the areas where it is used as an assistant to humans. Industrial manufacturing is based on a high degree of repetition, a job artificial intelligence makes both cheaper and better.

Unfortunately, the most alarming warnings about job losses have equated ai with automation. This overshadows the real benefit of artificial intelligence, namely its role as supporting people. A combination of human and artificial intelligence that complement each other.

IT managers and business leaders should consider how the transition between old and new jobs will affect their business and how they best combine the human and ai’s respective strengths.

Right here and now the time has come to create a long-term ai strategy. For maximum value, focus on how artificial intelligence can help humans. Enrich their jobs, re-evaluate old tasks and create new industries. Transform your corporate culture into one that can quickly adapt to ai-related opportunities and threats.

Focusing only on automation can be a short-term solution. This type of artificial intelligence will become so commonplace that everyone can use it. And if in principle everyone can use it, it will be a question of how to use it. What you choose to do. Then one must adopt an approach based on man. Our ability to understand how we can use artificial intelligence.

In 2021, this so-called ai reinforcement (ie not pure automation) will generate business worth 2.9 trillion dollars and save human working time equivalent to 6.2 billion hours. By the middle of the next decade, new ai net jobs will amount to two million. All according to Gartner’s report.

What exactly is artificial intelligence and how will automation and robots affect the labor market of the future?

AI, what is it and how do you get started?

You have probably heard it before, but AI has become such an important part of today’s society and development that its significance can be repeated. AI, or artificial intelligence, is not a finished program or a finished technology. It is an endeavor to emulate what we call human intelligence and cognitive ability – and which is built up through training instead of programming.

You train your AI and give it its purpose by feeding it with questions with ready-made answers, so-called machine learning. A research area within AI that is about developing machines’ ability to independently understand and handle large amounts of data.

Although many companies have already started to implement AI solutions, there is still a long way to go. However, the largest global companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft have all been aware of AI since 2011 and have since worked actively to include the latest AI technology in software updates. Therefore, in principle, all companies have AI support in their operations – even if they do not act. At the same time, more and more smaller companies are actively starting to implement AI in their operations. Chatbots, recruitment robots and digital customer service employees are just a few examples.

Creativity – an increasingly important quality

Creativity has in a very short time become an increasingly important competence in the labor market. Since 2015 was barely on the list of top ten most in-demand competencies, creativity is expected to take the top three within three years. At the same time, the ability to solve complex problems and systems knowledge has decreased in value.

Artificial intelligence is not only faster and better at listening and understanding than us humans, it can also do far more complex tasks. For example, an AI can read three million pages per second! But while AI can do a lot, it can not do everything. Man’s social ability is something that AI cannot imitate and qualities such as creativity and interaction have therefore gained increasing value.

Moral and ethics

The debate on morality and ethics has raised many questions in line with the rapid development of AI. The question many ask themselves is: Can an artificial intelligence be held morally responsible for its actions – and if not, who is responsible when AI makes the wrong decision and the accident occurs? Fredrik believes that, in step with greater automation, we need to set up a set of rules and a common template for morality and ethics for robots.

Imagine the following scenario: An AI robot drives a car and comes to a road point where it is no longer possible to drive straight ahead. To the left are two children and to the right are three pensioners. Where should the car choose to crash? It is in situations like this that we must teach AI how to act and it is up to us to create this regulatory framework.

Artificial intelligence takes jobs – but creates even more

It is often said that AI and automation are a threat to jobs. And yes, automation allows people to be replaced by software, robots and algorithms. But there are also industries where more jobs will be created thanks to artificial intelligence.

You could say that there are two sides to the coin. On the one hand, AI and automation will mean that more people will be unemployed, while on the other hand it will increase the pace of development and increase the number of jobs for others. Which in turn will mean that we will have more time for other things.

It is primarily in the customer service and transport sector that the number of jobs will disappear in step with the growth and development of AI. Unemployment is expected to increase by as much as 106 percent in the next few years alone. Among the office jobs, one instead sees an increase among the staff, but the roles will be new. The services that today allude to problem solving, systems knowledge and reasoning – even the finance functions – will be replaced by robots. Greater demand will instead be on the creative, innovative and analytical professions – qualities and qualities that an AI can not imitate.

At the same time as increasing demands are placed on us humans to be more creative and innovative, we also need to ensure that we have active learning. Digitization and automation have changed skills needs and we are on the way to an increasingly flexible labor market and a gig economy where a major challenge for us individuals will be to find natural educational paths for retraining and further education.


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