The Messages app in iOS 13 is getting a WhatsApp style custom contact profile feature. This allows you to have a unique place in which you can put a display photo and a name that is not related to your iCloud. Even if someone does not have access to your contact details, they will still be able see your photo and name. You can also control who you share these details with. Here’s how you can create a custom iMessage profile in iOS 13.
When you first launch the Messages app in iOS 13, you’ll see a new pop-up asking if you want to create a new profile in the Messages app. If you missed this part, go to Settings and create the profile later.
Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
Step 2: Tap on Messages.
Step 3: Tap on Share Name and Photo button.
Step 4: You’ll now be asked to choose your profile picture. Choose from a Memoji avatar you have already made, an iCloud profile photo or an Animoji-character. Tap on All Photos to choose a photo from the camera roll. Tap on the camera button to create a new photo.
Step 5: On the next screen, you can edit the photo. It is possible to scale the photo so that it fits into the circle frame. Tap on the Choose button once you’re done.
Step 6: Next, it’s all about the details. To enter your name and first initial, tap on the field next to the profile photo. Next, toggle the toggle for Sharename and Photo options.
Step 7: The last thing to choose is who to share this data with. There are three options: Contacts Only, Always Ask and Anyone. These details should be kept to Contacts Only. Anyone who receives your number via a spam directory will immediately see your display name and picture. Although Always Ask gives you more control, it is tedious and can slow down conversations.
How the Custom iMessage Profile Works
This feature will behave according to the choices you made in the previous step.
If you select the Always Ask option you will see a banner asking you if you would like to share your contact information with another person or persons within the group chat. You don’t need to make any changes if you select Contacts Only, or Anybody.
Your Favorite iOS 13 Features
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