Choosing the right type of electrical resistor for a given application is key to ensuring your circuit functions correctly and efficiently. Resistors are typically used to control current flow, reduce voltage levels, divide voltages, and dissipate power in circuits. There are many different types of resistors on the market today, e.g., some found here, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
When choosing the right type of resistor for your project, there are several factors to consider such as resistance value, power rating, tolerance rating, temperature coefficient rating, and package size. Let’s explore further on this below.
Resistor fundamentals
A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in a circuit. It does this by providing resistance to the flow of electrons, which causes a voltage drop across the resistor and dissipates energy as heat. Resistors come in many different shapes and sizes, but all have two terminals for connecting them to other components in a circuit.
The amount of resistance provided by a resistor is measured in ohms and is usually indicated on its body with colored bands. The number of bands indicates the value of the resistor, while their color indicates its tolerance (the degree to which it can deviate from its stated value). In addition to these standard resistors, there are also variable resistors that allow you to adjust their resistance manually or electronically. These are often used as volume controls or tone controls in audio equipment.
Measuring resistance to avoid failure
Measuring electrical resistance is done using an ohmmeter. An ohmmeter is a device that measures the resistance of a circuit or component. It works by sending a small current through the circuit and measuring the voltage drop across it. The amount of voltage drop indicates how much resistance is present in the circuit.
To use an ohmmeter, first, turn off all power to the circuit you are testing and disconnect any wires from it. Then connect one lead of the ohmmeter to each end of the component or circuit you want to measure. Turn on the power and read the value displayed on your meter’s display screen. This will be your measurement for electrical resistance in Ohms (Ω).
How does electrical resistance affect current flow?
Electrical resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for electricity to flow through a material. The higher the resistance, the more energy is required to push electrons through the material. This means that when there is high electrical resistance, less current will flow through the material than if there was low electrical resistance. In other words, as electrical resistance increases, current flow decreases.
This relationship between electrical resistance and current flow can be seen in Ohm’s Law which states that voltage (V) equals current (I) multiplied by resistance (R). Therefore, if you increase the amount of resistance in a circuit, then you will decrease the amount of current flowing through it.